Transmit Documents of one or more Taxpayers
Personal Taxprep allows you to transmit the eligible documents of one or more taxpayers.
Note: The term "eligible documents" refers to returns, forms and slips eligible for Internet transmission to the different tax authorities. For more information consult the List of eligible documents for electronic transmission.

To transmit the documents of the taxpayer whose client file is opened, proceed as follows:
- On the Transmission
menu, click EFILE, then Transmit.
The Transmit - Returns dialog box displays. By default, all eligible documents in the client file will be selected for transmission.Note: If you want to transmit an AUTHORIZATION form, in the Transmission menu, click Authorization. - Select the boxes relating to the eligible documents that you do not want
to transmit.
If a selected return is not eligible for EFILE, the box next to it will not be selected and you will be unable to select it for transmission. - Click OK.

To transmit documents for several taxpayers from the Client Manager, proceed as follows:
- Select the clients
for which you want to transmit eligible documents.
Tip: To display only the returns with an "Eligible" EFILE status, use the EFILE Eligible filter.
- On the Transmission menu, click EFILE, then Transmit.
Note: If you want to transmit an AUTHORIZATION form, in the Transmission menu, click Authorization. - Select the documents that you want to transmit.
The eligible documents are selected by default. You can remove any documents from the list by clearing the box next to this document. If a selected document is not eligible for EFILE, the box located next to it will not be selected and you will be unable to select it for transmission. - Click OK.